While these tips on how to deal with debt collectors can help borrowers avoid being or feeling harassed by creditors, they can also help borrowers protect their rights.

While these tips on how to deal with debt collectors can help borrowers avoid being or feeling harassed by creditors, they can also help borrowers protect their rights.

As a continuation of How to Deal with Debt Collectors (Part 1), the following is some further advice regarding what borrowers can do to empower themselves when dealing with debt collectors. While these tips on how to deal with debt collectors can help borrowers avoid being or feeling harassed by creditors, they can also help borrowers protect their rights.

  • Dispute the debt if you think it’s inaccurate: If you are sent information regarding an alleged debt you owe and you think that the amount is incorrect, that the debt is too old or that you don’t owe on that debt at all, you can dispute the debt by sending a written dispute to the debt collector. Send any such written disputes via certified mail so that you have verification of when it was sent and received and keep a copy of the letter you sent for your records. Also, with the dispute, include copies of any paperwork that you may have to support your contention that the debt is not accurate or valid.
  • Maintain records of all contact you have with debt collectors: Whether debt collectors call you or send you letters (or you call them or send them letters), be sure to keep records of each point of contact you have with them. Include details regarding the type of contact, the date and time at which it took place and some general notes about the nature of the point of contact. Having this type of paper trail could prove to be invaluable if a debt collector somehow breaks the law and you want to build a case against the debt collector in the future.

Colorado Bankruptcy Lawyers

If you are overwhelmed by seemingly insurmountable debt and are looking for a financial fresh start, contact the trusted Colorado debt relief and bankruptcy lawyers at the Law Office of Jon B. Clarke, P.C. For more than 35 years, Mr. Clarke and his diligent support staff have been successfully helping our clients resolve even the most complex bankruptcy cases for both individuals and businesses alike. Our experienced legal professionals are committed to providing each of our Clients with the debt relief assistance they need, and we will work tirelessly to ensure that our Clients’ cases are resolved as favorably and efficiently as possible.

For a thorough assessment of your situation, along with expert advice regarding the best manner in which to move forward to unburden yourself from debt, call us at (866) 916-3950 or email us some details about your situation by clicking here.