Fixing errors on a credit report typically involves writing to a credit reporting agency or creditor to explain the nature of the mistakes.

Fixing errors on a credit report typically involves writing to a credit reporting agency or creditor to explain the nature of the mistakes.

As a continuation of How to Identify and Fix the Most Common Credit Report Mistakes (Part 1), the following is some additional information regarding how to recognize and repair credit report mistakes. While Part 1 of this blog focused on types of mistakes that commonly appear on borrowers’ credit reports, here in Part 2, we will take a look at what borrowers can do when they have pinpointed problems with their credit report.

Repairing Credit Report Mistakes

For borrowers who have reviewed their credit reports and have found mistakes on them, they will have two primary courses of action when it comes to fixing these mistakes:

  1. Submit a formal written notification of the mistakes to the credit reporting agency – While you can call credit reporting agencies and talk to their customer service representatives, in order to effect any changes to mistakes on your credit report, you will need to send a formal written request to the agency. As part of this request, you will need to explain the nature of the mistakes and, if appropriate, provide documentation proving the correct information.Following such a request, credit agencies will typically conduct their own investigation into the mistakes and, based on the results of their investigation, may rectify the error on your credit report. Whether or not they decide to change a mistake, the credit agency will notify you of its decision in writing.
  2. Submit a formal written notification of the mistakes to the bank or creditor – Writing to a creditor or bank is very similar to the process of writing to the credit agency itself, as you will need to explain the nature of the error or disputed debt and provide documentation proving your claims. Should the creditor’s investigation into the matter yield conclusions similar to your own, the creditor will contact the credit reporting agencies to have them make the necessary changes to your credit report.

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